What’s so special about Mommy and Me photography session for me?
I step away every now and then from the newborn photography to take family pictures, and I most excited to take pictures of kids who I photographed as newborn and have now grown up. It’s such a wonderful joy to see them grow up, especially since you can’t have a child every day now, can you?
Mommy and Me is one of these special sessions that I am always eager to do, the twinkle in the eyes of the mom, and the playfulness of the little one around her leads to a great environment where we all have fun. And some times it leads to a lot of scraped knees, when I have to run behind them as they crawl away really fast. Really, don’t you wonder some times as well that they can crawl faster than you? I also get to see these little munchkins get load of kisses from mom, enjoyed by some while the other squirm and try to get out of the hug as soon as possible so they can resume their normal, let-me-run-around-the-world activities. The most hilarious was the one kid who wiped her face with her hand, every time she was kissed.
And yes, the Mommy and Me session is a little personal for me. And how can it not be? I started enjoying photography when I started taking pictures of my daughter when she was a toddler. I realized that two of my passions in life had come together and the results were wonderful, and I kept shooting and shooting. Pretty sure she’s going to say something about all those pictures in which she doesn’t look happy posing, when she grows up. For now, it’s my time! 🙂 But I soon realized that I was always behind the camera, and not in the picture with her. As a mother, I expect to be the best friend of my daughter as she grows up, and how can you be best friends when you don’t even have pictures together of all the fun you had? I found help in the form of my husband, who now had the responsibility of being our photographer, in addition to being our chauffeur. C’est La Vie!
I offer Mommy and Me sessions for all moms out there for this same reason. Get in front of the camera, let’s combine our creative ideas to bring something special to your pictures that you can share with your son or daughter for years to come.
So with that said, hope you enjoy the pictures below from a recent Mommy and Me session of the beautiful and handsome Johnson family.
mommy and baby looking beautiful
mommy raising the little princess in the air
A kiss from me to you!
Mom and her baby – what a beautiful bond
Smiling and enjoying the photo session
We are flying in the air