6 Month Baby Photography Mendham New Jersey: Fedora Bandit & Partner-in-Crime
Ah, the joy of 6 months baby photography, especially twins!
If one kid is fun to photograph, what happens when you have twins over? Double the joy? Nooooo, way more than that. Imagine a joy that doubles every time they smile. It multiplies to a pretty large number soon. Especially if it is a sister-brother team. The brother in a cute Fedora hat, guilty of stealing hearts. The sister, a cute accomplice, also guilty of the same charge.
Two really cute twins with similar personalities. And as you might tell from the pictures below, they look like they are going to be a strong team, and each a wingman for the other. And just in case you are into the modern slang definition of wingman, let’s reset it by clicking here.
How do I know? Well, check out the last picture in the set below. Don’t rush though, there’s a lot of cuteness between here and there.
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