Cherry Hill Cake Smash Photography Moorestown New Jersey: Andrea

Time for FUN! Cherry Hill Cake Smash Photography Moorestown New Jersey

What’s the greatest thing about a Cake Smash Photography session? The answer is pretty simple. It’s three words. BABY. SMASHES. CAKE. Really. If you haven’t seen a cake smash session, you are missing out. This is your moment to love all those nieces, nephews, friend’ kids, and neighbor’ kids. Score those brownie points by telling them you would love to take their little one for a cute cake smash photography session. And immerse yourself in the world of a baby, who sees sugar and cream, and with several strokes of genius and handiwork, smashes it into a mess. For the first time in your life, you will love seeing a mess.

Andrea for the cake smash win

If you think I was kidding about the joy of a cake smash photo session, look no further. The photos below should gave you a pretty good idea of what goes on during a session.

But Andrea being such a cute and graceful baby, we spent a good amount of time taking portrait photographs as well. She looks elegant in these photos.


Cherry Hill Cake Smash Photography Moorestown New Jersey - And it Begins

And it Begins! The destruction of the cake, the beginning of wonderful joy!

Cherry Hill Cake Smash Photography Moorestown New Jersey - Houston, the cake is down

Houston, the cake is down! We repeat, the cake is down!

Cherry Hill Cake Smash Photography Moorestown New Jersey - It's Smashed - Officially

It is a mess, but it was completely worth it.

Cherry Hill Cake Smash Photography Moorestown New Jersey - the Angel is here

Yep, looks like a cute angel, until she got near the cake 🙂

Cherry Hill Cake Smash Photography Moorestown New Jersey Smiling on The Chair

What can you say to a smile like that 🙂

Cherry Hill Cake Smash Photography Moorestown New Jersey - We are Happy
Cherry Hill Cake Smash Photography Moorestown New Jersey - Yummy
Cherry Hill Cake Smash Photography Moorestown New Jersey Start of Cake Smash