North NJ maternity photographer presents Karina, a beautiful mom-t0-be
Karina. A beautiful, caring mom-to-be. You were so sweet and loving for your little baby. I had the pleasure to have you over at our studio to do the maternity photography session. The photos below are just a sample of the various beautiful moments we captured.
And Karina, I was so right about you. I looked up your name, and in each language the name is really beautiful.
According to Wikipedia, “It can be a variant spelling of Carina (from Latin carus = love”, or “In Greece it means pure”, “Karina also means “Pretty” in Italian and “Kind” in Japanese.” So beautiful, kind and full of love – that’s right 🙂
In our hearts!
Beautiful in white
Mom and Dad excited about their little one
Cute little shoes
Blissful in white
What a cute baby bump
Pretty and gracious in purple
Feeling the love
In a beautiful patterned pink gown