Good Location, Lighting, Smiles and Colors for an awesome family portrait
What creates a good family portrait in New Jersey, or for that matter, anywhere? It’s the perfect smiles, a family in love with each other, and an awesome location that adds great color to the photographs. So, why did I start with good family portraits in New Jersey only? Well, because here we also need good lighting, especially in the fall when the sun sets early.
And that’s what I was able to get for the Finley family. What a wonderful family! Mom was the sweetest, dad was courteous and helped me carry stuff; and the little princess who gave us the cutest smiles. What else can a family photographer ask for? 🙂 So, take a look and share your comments below.
THE perfect family!
The perfect place for me (both of them said that)
This IS FUN!!
Can I go running again and crunch all the leaves?
Love the colors and the bokeh effect behind this little cutie
It’s Daddy and his little princess time
Yes, your highness!
Yep, I’m about to go run and crunch the leaves