This is me. Two masters in Computer Science. 5+ years of writing code developing applications for one of the major banks. And then, bang! Passion kicks in, and I am staring through the view finder of a camera rather than looking at a computer screen. Creativity vs. algorithms. The classic opposites, unless you are talking about computational creativity. Yes, that’s a real thing and it’s pretty darn complex – click here to learn more.
This is my story. Why am I sharing it? Because there’s one thing common between Valentine’s day and me becoming a photographer: Love! Which manifests itself in many forms. But the sweetest is mom’s love for her children, who brings this handsome boy over to my studio for children photography Bridgewater NJ session.
Love the smile in this photograph.
Snowball in hand, the cupid is ready to strike
Striking the pose like a natural!
What planning. The shirt is red too
A smile without any hesitation