Mihir & Milli – two beautiful names for two awesome kids. And both will always have a special place in my heart. Why? Because there are many reasons. First, they are kids of one of our best family friends. The most gentle/kind yet funny husband and wife you will find. Milli, whose name means “to be found”, was the first baby I photographed as a professional photographer. In other words, she ‘found me’. Coincidence? Maybe! Mihir, the handsome young man with his 6-pack (see below), is the cutest baby. True to his name, which means “sun“, he shined like a bright star in my studio.
Bluebonnets. Mom smiling. Milli smiling. The perfect combination.
I am going to just here and relax while my sister does all the smiling
Hands folded, Mihir will charm you into agreeing with him
Looking cool in blue with his cap and leaning stylishly on one side
6-pack, 8-pack, who cares? This is my style that sends them ‘packing’…get it?
So happy to see you grow into a perfect lady, my dear
I love the curls in the hair
Ferrari, Sharrari…this truck of mine rocks!
So this is what they call Flokati…it feels good!
Friends forever
What an innocent and charming look.
Yeah, it’s my sister! Yeah! She loves me like crazy.
Milli with mom. Loving each other.