Newborn photos are generally best within 5 and 12 days of age – that’s bullet point number in our Tips for Newborn Photography session. By then, the babies still haven’t forgotten the comfort and love of the womb. They are less active and still trying to understand the new world they’ve come into. As a baby grows older, it is tough to get those cute newborn poses you see in these blog posts.
Don’t forget to check out Emma’s lovely newborn baby video.
And the lovely photos:
Emma’s mom contacted me when she was 3 1/2 weeks old. Leaving for vacation two days later, I couldn’t wait to get this little cutie in our studio. And was I happy I did that. Although Emma was 4 weeks by the time we did the session, the pictures were perfect!
I guess I have my mentors, the best newborn photographers in the country like Julie Klassmeyer and Kristen Mackey to thank for coaching me right. Thanks ladies.
Love the crown and the pastels colors in this photo
baby looked gorgeous in blue wrapped pose on a blue rug
The perfect froggy pose – really difficult at 4 weeks but Emma just rocks it.
Mom would definitely say “love you to the moon and back”
Another perfect pose by Baby Emma – this girl was on a roll
Look emma, we will catch the stars together
I call this the gorgeous color combination – rust and pink, and they are beautiful.
Another perfect pose by Emma in pink. You were stunning and all colors looked good on you
Thats what i call a perfect lounge pose
Mom and Dad are all smiles. And why wouldn’t they be? 🙂