How can you not fall in love with Newborn Baby Portraits?
If you’ve read my blog in the past, you know that I love learning details about little babies. About their heritage. What are special aspects about them? Especially their name. There is so much to a name. Take Baby Viviana for example. It’s a beautiful Italian name, but I had never heard it before. The name means, “Alive“. How great is that to have a name like that? Especially for a girl as pretty as this little newborn.
Don’t forget to check out Viviana’s gorgeous newborn baby video.
And the Beautiful Pictures:
Cute bunny ears and baby Viviana, what a perfect combination
Angel wings for a princess.
I love, Love, LOVE this photograph. Beautiful ladies both!
Viviana in a little tutu. Does she look like the cutest baby or what?
Look who showed up to give Viviana company
The stars, the night and the moon. What a perfect ensemble has been created for Viviana
Baby bliss in white.
What a perfect family photo. This needs the largest canvas possible.
Viviana rocks the shabby chic style
I love the color contrast in this photo