Newborn Baby Portraits: Baby Viviana

How can you not fall in love with Newborn Baby Portraits?

If you’ve read my blog in the past, you know that I love learning details about little babies. About their heritage. What are special aspects about them? Especially their name. There is so much to a name. Take Baby Viviana for example. It’s a beautiful Italian name, but I had never heard it before. The name means, “Alive“. How great is that to have a name like that? Especially for a girl as pretty as this little newborn.

Don’t forget to check out Viviana’s gorgeous newborn baby video.

And the Beautiful Pictures:

Viviana wears cute bunny ears for her Newborn Baby Portraits

Cute bunny ears and baby Viviana, what a perfect combination

Viviana shows off her angel wings for her Newborn Baby Portrait

Angel wings for a princess.

Mom and baby both look really beautiful in this black and white photograph from Viviana's newborn photo session

I love, Love, LOVE this photograph. Beautiful ladies both!

The cutest baby, Viviana, dressed up in a cute tutu for her Newborn Baby Portraits

Viviana in a little tutu. Does she look like the cutest baby or what?

Viviana gets a visit from a cute teddy to help with her Newborn Baby Portraits

Look who showed up to give Viviana company

The perfect combination of the night, stars and the moon for Newborn Baby Portraits.

The stars, the night and the moon. What a perfect ensemble has been created for Viviana

Viviana looks so blissful in a white headband and wrap for her Newborn Baby Portraits

Baby bliss in white.

Beautiful family photograph from Viviana's Newborn Baby Portraits

What a perfect family photo. This needs the largest canvas possible.

It's shabby chic style for her Newborn Baby Portraits, Viviana is on a roll today

Viviana rocks the shabby chic style

Beautiful color contrast in this newborn baby photograph

I love the color contrast in this photo

Newborn Baby Portraits
Mom and baby photo shoot