Sunheri – with a heart of gold
If picking girl names were a test in college, this mom would score really well. What a beautiful name, Sunheri. Literally translated: the name means golden. But so much is lost in a direct, literal translation. Let’s apply some context. When we do, you will see why I believed this mom would score a perfect 10 out of 10.
Sunheri – with a golden smile that brightens your day. Sunheri – with a personality as dazzling as gold, it shines its’ way into your heart. Sunheri – with a heart as soft and malleable as gold, . Sunheri – with flexibility to carve hear ideas into any shape to present their beauty to the world.
You see now why I think it’s a beautiful name? And you just thought of gold as that expensive metal that surrounds the diamond.
Sunheri was awesome during her newborn baby girl photography session. Gave us the perfect poses that a newborn photographer loves to get; like this one.
When you can get hands on chin poses which is a composite shot (baby’s safety is most important aspect), that’s when you know you’ve been trained by the best
She teaches us why training is important for newborn photographers
Or this one below, which is a composite shot, and therefore the results are much better. Surprised how we got her to balance herself ( this is very much a composite – where two pictures are taken and photoshoped. I will be doing my next blog post on safety aspects of newborn photography) ? Well, that’s the benefit and joy of getting trained by the top photographers in the country that you work on the details and get every shot with the perfection. Benefit because my clients get the best poses for their newborn child, memories they will cherish for years to come. And joy for me that I can give them something unique, something special that will be a keepsake. Training/Workshops are always an investment and it will take you long way in your business.
When you can get hands on chin poses composite shot and get the hands perfectly and gracefully placed on the cheeks
Getting the best poses during a newborn baby girl photography session is no easy task. Not saying that just because I happen to be a newborn photographer, but also because I happen to be a mom. Newborns give you a small window of time to get photos like these – between 5 and 12 days. For a newborn photography session on any given day in this window, a baby doesn’t sleep for more than a few hours at a stretch. This is where good training and experience (both, not one or the other) counts significantly.
When you get both of them, here is the result.
There’s something about this color combination that I just love
A princess takes a quick nap on her carriage.
Another example of why training matters. The perfect posture.
For a newborn, the best place to be.
What a beautiful combination of colors. I love it!
In the presence of this little girl, you can’t help but smile
“Ok, what’s the next pose you want me to do?”
The right training, the right experience, and a passion for photographing newborns – leads to poses like these
How to rock lavender with lavender for your newborn baby girl photography session
Dad is completely smitten with her baby girl. It’s ok, Dad. We love to see smiles like these.