Oh wait, it’s 21 creative photography ideas for twins!
Having a sibling is awesome. Especially if s/he happens to be your twin. In the same tone, newborn photography is awesome. But newborn photos of twins is even better. Presenting 21 (not 14, we lied) awesome photography ideas for twins. If you like these, we got more in store. Click “Newborn Photography” in the search bar. Or choose “Newborn Photography” from the drop down under “Portfolio”. When you are done seeing those photographs, then hop on over to our Facebook page for even more cuteness.
1. Because best friends rely on each other:
2. Copy & Paste:
3. Copy & Paste 2 – Because one of the best isn’t enough:
4. A close up of our star celebrities:
5. Best friends work and relax together:
6. Best friends stick together:
7. Come closer…I want to share a secret:
8. Mr. and Mrs. Smith:
9. Now you see me now you don’t:
10. Santa’s Elves taking a break / Photography Ideas for Twins:
11. Two Peas in a Pod / Newborn Photography for Twins:
12. What a beautiful family:
13. Yes, I am listening / Baby Twin Picture Ideas:
14. It’s our favorite elves:
15. Can it get any cuter?
16. Elf 2
17. Simple is beautiful
18. Sleeping Peacefully
19.The classic hands on chin pose made even better by our cute twins 🙂
20. The perfect shot for Santa’s Elf!
21. Two back-to-back hands on chin poses – can it get any better: