An awesome Basking Ridge Newborn Photography NJ session
Baby Jackson comes by for his Basking Ridge Newborn Photography NJ session. This baby is cool as a cucumber. Especially with his black sunglasses. And a blanket with his name on it. Add to it a blue police department hat. Now, we are talking stylish. Real stylish. The pout on his face, priceless too. This baby Jackson is one cute bundle of joy.
Did I not tell you that this little kid was cool as a cucumber – look at him in those cool grey sunglasses
Under the cool light of the moon and the shining night sky, sleeps a little princess in a tent with a little lamp by his side
Baby Jackson is one cute bundle of joy floating on a sea of warm blue blankets, what could be more cute
A close up of the tent and the blanket in which the handsome prince sleeps – the tent is really cool
Even the coolest kid on the block has a little frown on his face sometimes – isn’t that something
How the really cool people sleep – on blankets with their name as a brand
Leg hanging over the side, Baby Jackson is sleeping peacefully on the coolest baby bed we’ve ever seen
New Jersey’s finest – proud, like his dad to be a part of the police department to protect and to serve
That smile just shows the deep affection and love that mom has for her little one – this little kid is going to be mama’s boy
Two best friends hugging it out while they sleep
One of my favorite photographs from the session – the family is color coordinated with slightly different shades of blue and their affection just comes through so clearly
You all probably know that I love the hands on chin pose – Baby Jackson just rocks this pose, whether you look at it from the front
…or whether you look at him from the side