Newborn Photographer Randolph NJ: Baby Mackenzie
First, a few words on newborn safety. We’ve photographed more than 1000 kids across newborn photography, family photo shoots and cake smash sessions. Harshita, our founder and lead photographer, has been trained by several of the top photographers in the country. In the past, we’ve shared this message on safety directly with families. We’ll say a few words on that first. Then, you can see the nice and warm photos from Baby Mackenzie’s Newborn Photographer Randolph NJ session.
We believe that you deserve:
- First and foremost, a photographer who has received training in photographing newborns.
- A photographer experienced in working with newborn children. Years worked may not matter when it comes to Internet startups. They do when the photographer is handling your newborn child.
- Who is forthcoming and honest. Certain poses get difficult to do after a certain age. Experienced photographers realize what may be possible, and what is certainly not an option. They will present the options to you. Those who lack experience may resort to taking chances. You don’t want that.
Baby Mackenzie, her brother and the Avnida Family
Mackenzie came by the studio with her older brother. We photographed his cake smash session as well. We call them the “Avnida Family”. There’s many such families, and we keeping adding more. What’s more, the bond of Avnida Family is one that develops between us and the family.
Baby Mackenzie nailed the hands on chin pose. And this shade of green complements her skin tone perfectly. Beauty, pure beauty.
There is a deeper meaning to this photo from the Newborn Photographer Randolph NJ session. Kids add color to our life. We ad color to their photo shoot 🙂
Siblings are the best. Especially if they are as loving as Mackenzie’s brother. Big brother loves to take her out for walks in her stroller.
Baby Mackenzie’s Newborn Photographer Randolph NJ session
Baby Mackenzie in a combination of pink headband, wrap and blanket. A sight for sore eyes, isn’t she?
When you’ve photographed 1000+ kids, your palette for color combinations include unique, and awesome, combinations.
We bow down to you, Princess Mackenzie. You posed perfectly during the Newborn Photographer Randolph NJ session.
The smiling, happy and completely in love with Baby Mackenzie family. This love is what Avnida Families are all about.
Newborn Photographer Randolph NJ session of Baby Mackenzie
Taking a little break from her Newborn Photographer Randolph NJ session. Baby Mackenzie is ready for a stroll in the land of flowers.
Whoever said that accessories do not matter for newborn photography session hasn’t seen a princess in matching headband and wrap. Baby Mackenzie looks so beautiful.
My heart melts every time I see this photo. Big brother’s love for Baby Mackenzie is just so special.
I cannot put my finger on it. But this happens to be one of my most favorite color combinations. Something about the softness of green combined with the strength of the purple. It just comes together for me.
If you think Baby Mackenzie was awesome during her session, think again! Big brother is experienced being in front of the camera. This smile is a proof of how awesome he was as well.
See, this is why I can never get enough of my profession (and passion). Do you notice those cute, little fingers peeking out? Cute, right?
Newborn Photography Mendham NJ: Awesome colors ahead
That is such a blissful face. Another reason why I love photographing kids. The range of emotions you see is unmatched.
Oh, what would I give to sleep so calmly and peacefully like this little one?
If you had any doubts whatsoever as to how awesome Baby Mackenzie was during her session, this should lay them to rest. Look at how calmly she sleeps in dad’s arms.
You go out for your newborn photo session. You are lying down. And then, your friends come out and hug you. They want to join you in the photos. What do you do?
Well, the answer is pretty straightforward, people. When your friends join you, you hug them tight.
Mendham NJ and some interesting facts
Have you read the blog post about Baby Alex’s newborn photography session? Or the cake smash session with little Ms. Sunshine, who was all smiles and happiness? If you have not, click on over and read them. In each one, you will learn something very interesting about Randolph, New Jersey. I won’t spoil the fun. But let’s just say it is related to Game of Thrones. And, also to the song, “I will Always Love You“. Ok, I am almost bordering on giving it away. So let me stop right there.
Why do I care to learn about Mendham NJ
Why do I care knowing so many details about Mendham? If you remember, I had talked my clients being part of the Avnida Family. What do you do when you add members to your family? You learn about them. What they like or dislike? Where are they from? That’s exactly what I did 🙂 And, to my amazement, I found some very interesting facts about Mendham.
When I say interesting, I really mean it. I always research notable people and facts about the city (or township) where the Avnida family is from, and I come across cool stuff. But in this case, it was just amazing. Ok, fine, I will give you one more clue. The actor, the one from Game of Thrones, was also in the hit FX series, Nip/Tuck. He is an amazing actor who faced a lot of challenges along the way. Even when he could have taken stereotypical roles for easy money, he said no. Out of that strength, greatness was born.